And, the Great Fish Project continues.
I had to run some errands today, and decided to go by Kraemer's - one of the local pet-places. (Birds, rodents and fish - with the occasional lizard and or turtle. More of a 'garden' store, really..). I bought Mom a ten gallon tank to use as a breeding tank while I was there.
And Mom is going to a Killie Association meeting sometime next week. (Killifish, for the completely unaware, are brightly coloured little egg-layers. And when I say bright, I mean BRIGHT!) *sighs* Us and our projects. She's pretty sure she's going to come back with more fish. The 29 gallon is supposed to be our 'show' tank - but it's currently showing off her plant collection. Heh.
Anyway, she's going to set up the ten, breed the pair of platinum green bettas and see what we get. (Aside from about a million little cups on every flat surface we can get our hands on, that is.. and that after the fry get big enough that we can tell the males from the females..) On the upshot, they're /really/ nice fish...
Me - I have to get the temp in my tank straightened out. The heater's currently got it at low /eighties/, which is obviously not cool. *sigh* I'm tweaking it, but I think I killed a snail. >.<
I should also get in there and get the plants nailed down a little more throughly.. some of them are back to floating topside, which ain't cool either.
I /was/ looking at fish though.. if I can find some platies that aren't RED .. (what IS it with all the red platies!?) I might consider some of those.. or some white clouds.
Also - this might explain Joules' Tetra of Immortality ... Neon tetras are apparently very long-lived fishies........ if you can keep 'em alive. ^_~
Don't want hatchet fish. Water ain't hard enough for cichlids.. not that I can find any nice cichlids anyway. Not sure I want /agressive/ fish - so redtailed sharks are out. They're pretty though.
Still contimplating the glass cats and trying to find some nice Corydoras. What we had, apparently were the micro-cats.. little ones that only got up to an inch and a half or so... wouldn't object to a few of those.
*sighs* WAY too many choices. ^^
On the webpage front - no beans. Haven't had the chance to scan anything, although I have /plenty/ that ought to be scanned. *bemused* Maybe that'll change, later on today..
I had to run some errands today, and decided to go by Kraemer's - one of the local pet-places. (Birds, rodents and fish - with the occasional lizard and or turtle. More of a 'garden' store, really..). I bought Mom a ten gallon tank to use as a breeding tank while I was there.
And Mom is going to a Killie Association meeting sometime next week. (Killifish, for the completely unaware, are brightly coloured little egg-layers. And when I say bright, I mean BRIGHT!) *sighs* Us and our projects. She's pretty sure she's going to come back with more fish. The 29 gallon is supposed to be our 'show' tank - but it's currently showing off her plant collection. Heh.
Anyway, she's going to set up the ten, breed the pair of platinum green bettas and see what we get. (Aside from about a million little cups on every flat surface we can get our hands on, that is.. and that after the fry get big enough that we can tell the males from the females..) On the upshot, they're /really/ nice fish...
Me - I have to get the temp in my tank straightened out. The heater's currently got it at low /eighties/, which is obviously not cool. *sigh* I'm tweaking it, but I think I killed a snail. >.<
I should also get in there and get the plants nailed down a little more throughly.. some of them are back to floating topside, which ain't cool either.
I /was/ looking at fish though.. if I can find some platies that aren't RED .. (what IS it with all the red platies!?) I might consider some of those.. or some white clouds.
Also - this might explain Joules' Tetra of Immortality ... Neon tetras are apparently very long-lived fishies........ if you can keep 'em alive. ^_~
Don't want hatchet fish. Water ain't hard enough for cichlids.. not that I can find any nice cichlids anyway. Not sure I want /agressive/ fish - so redtailed sharks are out. They're pretty though.
Still contimplating the glass cats and trying to find some nice Corydoras. What we had, apparently were the micro-cats.. little ones that only got up to an inch and a half or so... wouldn't object to a few of those.
*sighs* WAY too many choices. ^^
On the webpage front - no beans. Haven't had the chance to scan anything, although I have /plenty/ that ought to be scanned. *bemused* Maybe that'll change, later on today..
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