Watch out for the thorns - they're fond of clothing as well as my notes.. If I update something, you'll know about it.

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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Monday, June 06, 2005


Right. Looks like the /majority/ of my problems have been caused by overheating.

We discovered this when I stressed the video card playing Neverwinter Nights. ( .. better that than something important, considering the number of crashes I had..)

Video card overheat, video go away. Video no come back. Grr. Shut down. Comp not like this.
And, to add injury to insult, about half the time the DVDrom isn't recognised, so I have to basically reboot until the damn thing sees it.

Do I hate my comp? Yup.
We're going to see if putting it in a new case (with better ventilation) will help ... If it doesn't, I may bite the bullet and get a water-cooling kit. *WAAAGH!*

Other than that, I've been 'blah'. Cranky, grumpy and not interested in just about everything. (Aside from cornering Shadi and sitting on him in order to work some of the mats out of his coat. This is /not/ his favorite activity.)
Hounds, I am learning (Re-learning?) really aren't terribly 'doglike'. Shadi, for example, is a people-hound - but he's not '*boingboingboing* come play, mama! Comeoncomeoncomeon!!!' He's sociable without being doggy, if you get my drift. Cat-like. Aside from the whistling - he was de-barked, and mostly, the noise he makes is a hopeful whistle. He /can/ bark - sort of - but it's muted, so he usually doesn't bother..
Really, very patient and sweet-natured. He is, however, a born manipulator. Not an Alpha Male - rather, a con artist extraordinaire. It's not doing him any good here - Mom's the Queen Bitch of the house, and I'm apparently the Bitch in Training - with most of the emphasis on the Bitch part. I have no sympathy for puppy-dog eyes, mournful noises or hopeful looks.

Then, of course, there's the puppy. She's adorable - the cutest darn thing you'll ever see, with more attitude than any three hounds could ever use. She's been terrorising the cats (Badly wants to play. They hiss, poof up and occasionally swat at her if she over-does it.) and Shadi.

Puppy #2 is slated to arrive this Thursday. ........ Help!!!!!

... I think I'll actually be /glad/ when the Fall Term starts... it's a chance to get /out/ .. o.O


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