Various wackiness..
Or not.
I dunno - it's been one of those days, kind of. Not /bad/, but weird.
Not too long ago, I had a /brilliant/ idea - why not go out, buy another HD, and stuff it in the server? (We have a server - it's kind of a long story..) and set up a secondary page on that? I can run my gallery /there/, and have all the space I want! Hm. What a concept.. ^.~
Well, it's still in the preliminary stages, but that would certainly help solve the space issues... just gotta learn a little more LINUX. Heh.
In other news - the fish are fine. The big tank is full of baby fish (one of the bettas survived! I'm astonished..) with four endlers, one betta and at /least/ one platy.. are we shocked? Well, sort of.. it's more than /I/ expected. Gotta see what can be done about the mollies. I'm pretty sure they /are/ breeding, but I'm not seeing any of the babies yet.. O.o
Generally, not /really/ a bad day. Just weird and minorly aggrivating in some ways..
Oh! Nicked from various blogs..

The Clairvoyant Guide - Typically you are an
peculiar enigma to those around you. You are in
the habit of surprising people with uncanny
insight and helpful advice. Sadly, your
tremendous help is rarely acknowledged. That is
alright however, for you know what's coming for
What Type of Storybook Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

A mythical being of Chinese mythology, comparable
with the western unicorn. Ki-lin personifies
all that is good, pure, and peaceful. It lives
in paradise and only visits the world at the
birth of a wise philosopher. The Ki-Lin is
said to walk on earth and on water. It never
drinks or eats dirty food or water. The Chinese
unicorn never treads on smaller animals below
its feet nor does it ever harm another living
creature. The Ki-Lin is the emblem for
exquisite goodness, longevity, grandeur,
endless compassion and great wisdom. According
to Chinese mythology, at the birth of Confucius
a Ki-Lin appeared and Confucius died soon after
a Ki-Lin was killed, he believed that his
writings would not proceed from the omen of the
death of the Unicorn.
Which Chinese Mythological Being Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
*snerk* A /unicorn/?! Me?! Oh, man - that's funny...
I dunno - it's been one of those days, kind of. Not /bad/, but weird.
Not too long ago, I had a /brilliant/ idea - why not go out, buy another HD, and stuff it in the server? (We have a server - it's kind of a long story..) and set up a secondary page on that? I can run my gallery /there/, and have all the space I want! Hm. What a concept.. ^.~
Well, it's still in the preliminary stages, but that would certainly help solve the space issues... just gotta learn a little more LINUX. Heh.
In other news - the fish are fine. The big tank is full of baby fish (one of the bettas survived! I'm astonished..) with four endlers, one betta and at /least/ one platy.. are we shocked? Well, sort of.. it's more than /I/ expected. Gotta see what can be done about the mollies. I'm pretty sure they /are/ breeding, but I'm not seeing any of the babies yet.. O.o
Generally, not /really/ a bad day. Just weird and minorly aggrivating in some ways..
Oh! Nicked from various blogs..

The Clairvoyant Guide - Typically you are an
peculiar enigma to those around you. You are in
the habit of surprising people with uncanny
insight and helpful advice. Sadly, your
tremendous help is rarely acknowledged. That is
alright however, for you know what's coming for
What Type of Storybook Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

A mythical being of Chinese mythology, comparable
with the western unicorn. Ki-lin personifies
all that is good, pure, and peaceful. It lives
in paradise and only visits the world at the
birth of a wise philosopher. The Ki-Lin is
said to walk on earth and on water. It never
drinks or eats dirty food or water. The Chinese
unicorn never treads on smaller animals below
its feet nor does it ever harm another living
creature. The Ki-Lin is the emblem for
exquisite goodness, longevity, grandeur,
endless compassion and great wisdom. According
to Chinese mythology, at the birth of Confucius
a Ki-Lin appeared and Confucius died soon after
a Ki-Lin was killed, he believed that his
writings would not proceed from the omen of the
death of the Unicorn.
Which Chinese Mythological Being Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
*snerk* A /unicorn/?! Me?! Oh, man - that's funny...
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