.... flapping /hell/, why can't they ...
Make it a little easier for people to work out what they're gonna do?!
We spent Friday traipsing around half of Portland - first to Sylvania campus, to talk to a PCC advisor about figuring out a transfer thing. We get out of there, I figure, okay - so I take the general crap there, then hope I can transfer the whole shebang over to AI. Right? Wellll...
Okay. We have to go into Portland /anyway/ - Andi's /finally/ got a contract, and he had to pick up some stuff so he could work on it. ('some stuff' being a server thing that, thankfully, doesn't take up too much space in the comp-room.. ^.^) So we hike over to AI, who's having an open portfolio show.
We go in, waffle around a bit and finally get to talk to one of their general guys (Not the lady we talked to Thursday morning in a phone interview - she's calling back tomorrow..) and discussed this thing.
*chuckles* I laid out the problem, my possible solution and the issues with it, with Andi's help, then, while he was waffling, fished out my portfolio.
"Let me show you something." I said.
.... I have never seen someone go from 'welll...' to, 'Okay! How can we help you do this!?' so damn fast. ^^ Anyway. He thinks my idea of taking the general stuff (Maths, sciences, psych, history..) at PCC is workable.
Having seen his reaction, I got the wild idea of setting up an online version of my portfolio. I will give Jo-Ann the URL tomorrow.. ^^
(Anyone curious can go here to see it..)
Since we were there, we wandered up and had a look at their portfolio thing. I'm now thinking that their Media Arts and Animation course might be more effective than their Graphic Design course - particularly after having had a look at some of the real-time /examples/ of the results of both courses. Wow...
I managed to avoid drooling - but /damn/ some of these people are absolutely /amazing/ ... ^^
The next stop was Whole Foods. I nearly walked out with fresh Oregon strawberries - and I /would/ have, if I thought I could get 'em home intact! ^^
I /did/ find some of the organic, no sugar added fruit leather strips I like so much. (Stretch Island, for the curious. I'm hoping Harvest Fresh also carries them....)
Anyway. Weird crap. First, fished out of Lutra's Pond -

how jedi are you? :: by lawrie malen
... Well, they got the 'badass' part right. Heh. ^^
Next, snitched out of Red for Pleasure,
You Are Absinthe!

You have a unique personality. Although most like you, sometimes you take some getting used to. You can be a bit strong. You are full of energy and sometimes flamboyant. You are the life of the party but if people are not careful you can knock them on their ass.
We spent Friday traipsing around half of Portland - first to Sylvania campus, to talk to a PCC advisor about figuring out a transfer thing. We get out of there, I figure, okay - so I take the general crap there, then hope I can transfer the whole shebang over to AI. Right? Wellll...
Okay. We have to go into Portland /anyway/ - Andi's /finally/ got a contract, and he had to pick up some stuff so he could work on it. ('some stuff' being a server thing that, thankfully, doesn't take up too much space in the comp-room.. ^.^) So we hike over to AI, who's having an open portfolio show.
We go in, waffle around a bit and finally get to talk to one of their general guys (Not the lady we talked to Thursday morning in a phone interview - she's calling back tomorrow..) and discussed this thing.
*chuckles* I laid out the problem, my possible solution and the issues with it, with Andi's help, then, while he was waffling, fished out my portfolio.
"Let me show you something." I said.
.... I have never seen someone go from 'welll...' to, 'Okay! How can we help you do this!?' so damn fast. ^^ Anyway. He thinks my idea of taking the general stuff (Maths, sciences, psych, history..) at PCC is workable.
Having seen his reaction, I got the wild idea of setting up an online version of my portfolio. I will give Jo-Ann the URL tomorrow.. ^^
(Anyone curious can go here to see it..)
Since we were there, we wandered up and had a look at their portfolio thing. I'm now thinking that their Media Arts and Animation course might be more effective than their Graphic Design course - particularly after having had a look at some of the real-time /examples/ of the results of both courses. Wow...
I managed to avoid drooling - but /damn/ some of these people are absolutely /amazing/ ... ^^
The next stop was Whole Foods. I nearly walked out with fresh Oregon strawberries - and I /would/ have, if I thought I could get 'em home intact! ^^
I /did/ find some of the organic, no sugar added fruit leather strips I like so much. (Stretch Island, for the curious. I'm hoping Harvest Fresh also carries them....)

how jedi are you? :: by lawrie malen
... Well, they got the 'badass' part right. Heh. ^^
Next, snitched out of Red for Pleasure,

You have a unique personality. Although most like you, sometimes you take some getting used to. You can be a bit strong. You are full of energy and sometimes flamboyant. You are the life of the party but if people are not careful you can knock them on their ass.
What Naughty My Little Pony Are You?
.... Life of the party? Me? If you say so ... ^^
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