Of a great deal of miscellany...
Since we're pretty sure we're going to take this place, we've been prepping to pack up - which means consolidating a whole /lot/ of scattered stuff. CDs, tapes, VHS and DVDs, are what's /mostly/ scattered - admittedly, not so much the latter-most.
In addition, I'm ripping tracks from CDs that aren't mine so I won't have to do without music I like! (Since I won't have the cash to buy 'em for a while, I might as /well/, ne?) Even so, methinks I'm going to need another CD rack... O.o
Gods, how the heck does one accumulate so much /stuff/!? No, don't answer that. I am /still/ getting rid of things... O.O
Ah - I /finally/ got a picture of Omen good enough to post. (I didn't take it, though... maybe that's why. ^.~)

He's sitting in the shower - probably just getting done with a game of shower-hockey. ^^
In addition, I'm ripping tracks from CDs that aren't mine so I won't have to do without music I like! (Since I won't have the cash to buy 'em for a while, I might as /well/, ne?) Even so, methinks I'm going to need another CD rack... O.o
Gods, how the heck does one accumulate so much /stuff/!? No, don't answer that. I am /still/ getting rid of things... O.O
Ah - I /finally/ got a picture of Omen good enough to post. (I didn't take it, though... maybe that's why. ^.~)

He's sitting in the shower - probably just getting done with a game of shower-hockey. ^^
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