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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Of FreeCycle and our own apartment.

This might take a while - I've never posted a 'want' on FreeCycle before... Methinks I'll also look into garage sales, just in case.

Eeeee!!! *boingboingboingboing* It's official! In mid-September, we've got an apartment! Wai! *bouncebounce*
Sight-unseen, unfortunately, but we can look at it the 15th and, if we like it, move in the next three or so days after. Eee!
The place does have some amenities (half-assed gym, sauna, pool, balcony/terrace, little garden-plot) - it's a bit eccentric, as well. We figure we'll fit right in. ^.~

I had, however, forgotten that a one bedroom apartment could be so /tiny/ - going from some of the other places, I was more right than I knew about the whole dang apartment fitting into the living room of this house... O.o
Oh well. I /did/ expect that. The advantage there is, we won't be acquiring /nearly/ so much furniture and gadgets as I'd feared, simply because we won't have the space. ^^
Small favours, ne? ^^


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