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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Of coursing and house-cleaning.

I have a recessive neat-gene. I say 'recessive' because it often takes a while to actually kick in, but it is there. I know this, because I spent the vast majority of today getting pissed off and cleaning.
I figure cleaning while I'm mad makes good use of the rage-induced energy. 'Course, sometimes I get madder, depending on what I find while I'm cleaning.......

Anyway. I had a pretty good time - I cleared the 'aisle' leading from the living room space into the computer room (yes. We have enough computers to warrent a whole room dedicated to them - it used to be the parlor...) and swept the floor and vacuumed the rug. I then got annoyed and windexed the front door (it's mostly glass - twelve or so little glass panels set in some sort of wood. Fir? I dunno..) and some other glass.

The thing that annoys me, in between the 'yay, it's clean!' glow is that... no one will notice. >.<

Oh well. They're gone for three days, up to Washington to course the hounds and get Shadi his JC qualifications (He's got an AFSA (I think - might be ASFA..)-qualified up the yahoo, but not AKC-qualified...) and get him on the first leg of the rest. And maybe see how interested the girls are.
Good. Maybe I can catch up on some of the clearing...

I was going to say something else, but I don't remember what. So much for activity helping the memory... Oh, right. I've had this rotten cough for the past few days. Nasty, nasty - but aside from it I am not feeling sick. Erh? Well, okay..
This is new. Admittedly, it's not stopping me from functioning (obviously!) but it is /really/ annoying!
And worst when I first get up. *Sigh*

.... I will be /so/ glad to get out. At least then any messes will be /our/ messes and no one but us to freak if they don't get picked up instantly.. >.<


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