Well, I've got a house to sit for two weeks. Technically, a house, two cats and a pair of gerbils. *blink*
Hey, I'm being paid. I'll take it. ^^
Fish. Fish are doing okay. I got nuts and bought some more plants today and dumped them in the tank - might have to go get more.
One of the female mollies /did/ kick the can - no surprises, really. No, /not/ because my tank is overcrowded - it can't be /that/ bad, or I'd've lost something sooner - like Wobbly, or one of the female bettas. However, the other one seems okay, she has an appetite, of sorts..
We're up to a water change.
Website. I said I'd post Shimmer's new history (I have two versions of the same character. Basically the same - the second just has more detail. This is /not/ unusual..) and I've got a small bunch of new sketches to post.

How evil are you?
*chuckles* Smack dab in the middle, as usual.
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I'm a /what/?! ... Okay.
Take Free Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com
*blink* Alright. I guess.
*snerk!* Oh yeah... I have days like that. Definitely. ^^
I'm going to go and find something to eat - I had french toast (with ketchup!) for lunch, and nothing else... I'm /hungry/. Midnight snack, anyone? Heh.
Hey, I'm being paid. I'll take it. ^^
Fish. Fish are doing okay. I got nuts and bought some more plants today and dumped them in the tank - might have to go get more.
One of the female mollies /did/ kick the can - no surprises, really. No, /not/ because my tank is overcrowded - it can't be /that/ bad, or I'd've lost something sooner - like Wobbly, or one of the female bettas. However, the other one seems okay, she has an appetite, of sorts..
We're up to a water change.
Website. I said I'd post Shimmer's new history (I have two versions of the same character. Basically the same - the second just has more detail. This is /not/ unusual..) and I've got a small bunch of new sketches to post.

How evil are you?
*chuckles* Smack dab in the middle, as usual.
INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population. |
personality tests by similarminds.com
I'm a /what/?! ... Okay.
Global Personality Test Results |
Sensate (53%) medium which suggests you are moderately empathetic, sensitive, and considerate of others. Intellectual (40%) moderately low which suggests you are externally motivated, group seeking, and not independent. Assertive (56%) moderately high which suggests you are proactive, direct, competitive, and intense. |
personality tests by similarminds.com
*blink* Alright. I guess.
*snerk!* Oh yeah... I have days like that. Definitely. ^^
I'm going to go and find something to eat - I had french toast (with ketchup!) for lunch, and nothing else... I'm /hungry/. Midnight snack, anyone? Heh.
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