Watch out for the thorns - they're fond of clothing as well as my notes.. If I update something, you'll know about it.

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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


Paperwork is proceeding off schedule as usual. If we're /real/ lucky, we'll get the list checked off and everything sent in to it's various places before the end of the month.
I /hate/ paperwork.


Updates. I'm working on it, I swear.
There /is/ new stuff, I just haven't got any of it added in yet. Yes, it /did/ get uploaded. No, it did not get added. And I haven't been doing a hell of a lot of writing lately, although I /did/ manage to finish chapter twenty.... Which, I s'pose, means I should be updating Hunter's Destiny again.

Fish. All fine. I need to change the water again.....

Other news. Andi and I scattered flyers around Mac - me for artwork and commissions, him for playing net-techie and fixing machines and troubleshooting networks. My dad is also teaching him PLCs - we having fun yet? ^^
It's been a weird month...


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