Watch out for the thorns - they're fond of clothing as well as my notes.. If I update something, you'll know about it.

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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

.. and now the LJ is doing it.

Damn, I hate Modern Tech sometimes...

I'm probably going to be various shades of incommunicado for the weekend because I'm.. you're sitting down, right? Getting married tomorrow evening. *says this with complete calm*

No, I'm not kidding, either. I'll probably have pics or something by Monday. By which point I might even have regained some hope of coherency.. ^.~

I'll also have the full write up (blather-fest?) of this little ambush - again, presuming I'm coherent enough to type by then! ^^
*hands around smelling salts and chocolate as needed* It's okay - I'm not moving to the far reaches of Alaska or something... (Not that I ain't tempted - it's lovely country out there, and the temps are within tolerable range.. At least, for me. ^.~)

Anyway, I'm going to bed - it's late and I've got a lot of crap I need to get done tomorrow.. *boingboingboingboing* Eeeee!


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