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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Monday, September 05, 2005

They're all naked...

*waits for it*

Well, I don't know what you thought I was referring to ... ^.~
But my walls look so /naked/ now... I mean, but for a very few, all the pictures and posters are down from the walls, most of my dragon collection is put away, and the rest are waiting....

And the corner shelf looks really weird without all my old sketchbooks stacked up. They're now residing - along with my new ones - in an old milk-crate.
Still need boxes. Argh!

Slowly, but surely, things are making their way into boxes and bins.
I have a whole kitchen (almost) in bins downstairs - just have to get a few more pots/pans and or knives. (And remember to get my spring-pans down - and remind Mom to go through the pan-cupboard for loafpans and pyrex. She can /keep/ the silicon. Yegh.
I scored a nice pan at Goodwill for two bucks - pretty heavy, copper-bottomed and looks like it has a functional handle. No cast iron. I was rather put out.
But I scored a couple of books, so not /entirely/ a bad thing .. what? Yeh, yeh - okay. I didn't /need/ two more paper backs, but they were only a buck each.. ^^

My Whelan dragon is in with my winter cloths, and the long ceramic one is in with Andi's - it fits, thankfully. Maybe I'll stick Gollum in there too... O.o
It's either that or get /rid/ of Gollum - okay, he's a collector's ed, but... Ew.
I'm sorry. If it was almost /any/ other character (With the exception of Saruman or Wormtongue.. eugh..) ... actually, I would have liked to have one of the Uruk-hai... WHAT?! Geez. ^^
Okay, so Haldir, Legolas or Aragorn - hell, most of the Rohirrim - would make nice statuary too... but they don't give you enough of the neat evil guys... *evil grin*

Anyway. Still gotta come up with some inventive way to pack up the gaming books, comics, books, manga, DVDs... probably boxes, but I gotta find some in appropriate sizes...
Maybe another milk-crate, and I get Andi to shlep it... wait. I only /have/ one more milk-crate. Crap. Maybe if I consolidate the shoe-crates...... Hm.
Got to figure out how to shlep the closet, too. That'll be fun. Heh.

Whatelse.. ai, gotta remember to do a major backup Real Soon Now - probably going to strip and reload my system after the move, so if I want to keep it, I need to back it up.
And figure out what to do with some of these manuals.. gonna keep the HTML manuals, but gotta think about the A+ stuff...


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