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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Saturday, July 24, 2004


View of a room
You know it's kind of inevitable. Things gotta be moved. In this case - one dresser into the closet (I can't see the back anymore, but that's got nothing to do with furniture and everything to do with the leather coat hanging on a hook in the back of it..) and one to where the one now in the closet was. You can see the edge of the recently shifted one in this picture..

And yeh, that's my desk. Messy, ain't it? ^^ The coloured things are origamis - origami peacocks, a lot of 'em. There's also Gollum, lookin' around warily and a couple of dragons gettin' ready for lunch. I /think/ only one is visible though..

Anyway. Progress /is/ being made. Slowly. O.o


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