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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Of Spring Break, a dubious term and at least one quiz ...

At long last. Spring Break starts tomorrow... Actually, technically, for me, it started Wenesday, which was my last Final, but I'm not going to count that.

Winter Term was ... one of Those. *sigh* Couldn't get focused and I am fairly sure my grades are going to suffer for it - as much as I enjoyed a couple of my classes (even Math. Yeh, I know. But I am fairly certain that is as much due to the teacher as anything else...) I got a Withdraw in Math (mix up on the Final day - oops) and I haven't heard about writing yet. But my last two essays were, if I do say so myself, shit. So, I'll be happy to get a B there... >.<
Art probably went as per the usual - Lance has said Good Things about my stuff in Drawing - and while I don't know what all Bruce had to say in Basic Design, the overall reception was good (for everyone, really - I didn't see any pieces go up that I couldn't honestly say 'you did that right, even if /you/ don't like it').

Hopefully, Spring will be better. I haven't got so many morning classes (and hence, can sleep in more days out of the week instead of being up at the crack of dawn every morning) - which I am fairly certain had a hand in screwing me up - and not so many finals. Next term I will be taking whatever math class is next up (I'm going to test my butt /out/ of Math 11 - I am /certain/ I can do it now), and possibly some other light stuff that has to be gotten out of the way. I may also go and poke PNCA a bit and find out how they want to handle a transfering student.

But for now, I am merely going to relax, prepare and sleep. It's good. ^^

Quiz! Snaffled from the Onna -

What type of Fae are you?

... Heh. Okay, I'll take that...


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