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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Of bits and pieces, a bored Thorne...

I managed to catch the buses /exactly/ right to get home in thirty minutes or so after Writing class. I really think I will enjoy the class with this teacher - he actually tells us what he wants, what he expects and how he expects us to do it, rather than letting us blunder through and make stupid mistakes we might otherwise have made.
Much better. ^^

We have this Monday off, so I still get my long weekend /this/ week, but that's about the only holiday we have for this term. Eh. It's going to be a long term. :/
I say that because most of the classes I'm taking this time are in the mornings. Math at 9AM, Swim-Conditioning at ten, Drawing at 9AM - on a Saturday - and most everything else either after noon (Writing) or in the evening (Basic Design). I don't much like getting up early, either. But I've been up around six every day this past week - because it takes me about an hour to actually wake up, and I need at least twenty minutes for everything else; then I have to leave about an hour's leeway for the bus.
The advantage to doing class in the morning - that leaves me the rest of the day to get shit done. Or read, which is what I've been doing a lot of lately - I went through the Artifacts of Power Trilogy and Diammara by Maggie Furey in about four days - one per book before wandering into Powells and coming out with a copy of The Shining Ones by David Eddings - which I went through in one day. Which brings me to this - which I scored from Sabledrake this time around. She claims 'everyone' is doing it. Well, I'm not everyone, but I happen to have a good book to hand, so... ^.~
1. Grab the nearest book.

2. Open the book to page 123.

3. Find the fifth sentence.

4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.

5. Don't search around and look for the coolest book you can find. Do what's actually next to you.1. Grab the nearest book.

"Sarabian sighed. "Sometimes I wish I'd never even heard of Elenes," he mourned." The Shining Ones, David Eddings

(yes, I realise that was technically two sentances. ;p )

My latest Penzey order came in - we're /most/ pleased. I trotted the spare catalogue out and gave it to the building manager (I don't know why they have to send you a new catalogue with every order - seems to me a waste of paper, but then, I don't always have someone I can give the damn thing to..) and she was /very/ pleased. She cooks, and she said something about being interested - so. I trotted it over and she all but drooled on it on the spot. ^^
I /do/ love working with people who share my interests. ^__^
I got a fair amount of stuff in this order - some spare jars (with labels! Hee), kosher salt (cheap. And better than table salt), and some tiny jars of cake spice and baking spice - I couldn't remember which I liked better, so I got a bit of both to try. One of them is probably going to be good on oatmeal as well as in whatever I decide to put it in (pumpkin cake, apple pie... what have you). Most of the rest was just restocking things I was out of or getting low on. Stuff like Bouquet Garni, dried onion, Cream of Tarter and stuff like that. Also got some more of the /excellent/ hot cocoa mix - with mint! yumyumyum... ^^

Generally, I believe the day to have been a success so far. Which still leaves the rest of it, I realise. ^^;


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