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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Of a nice dinner out and some oddments...

*belch* Mm. It was a very nice dinner, even several hours after the fact. ^^
We went down to the other side of the River and had dinner at The Rheinlander, a nice German-style restaurant. Since yesterday was Andi's birthday (I made him Chicken Cordon Bleu on the day - /that/ was an excellent meal, too!) he was serenaded and given free apple strudel. ^^ (I had a slice of nummy cheesecake - almost as good as mine! ^.~)
Actually, they do a /lot/ of music down there - there are accordian players wandering throughout the place and most of the staff can sing. And they don't mind if you help. My kind of place. ^.~
I like it there. And, the food is /excellent/. I had rabbit wrapped around veal with greenbeans and spatzle (I think - Andi might be able to correct me) and he had a massive hunk of lamb with smashed toes. Um. Mashed potatoes, even. ^^;

Maybe tonight I'll be able to sleep properly - the past few my sleep-schedule has been all over the shop - and damn it, I /need/ to be able to sleep!
However, in the meantime, something I snaffled from the Onna, after seeing it in two or three other places.. ^^

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