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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004


.. And then some.

Now, usually, when Mom goes out, I tend to expect her to bring back more stuff than she said she was going out for. I do the same thing, after all..

However, she said she was going to go pick up some fish this time. .. Fish. A couple of pairs of Killies. Maybe a pair of bettas. Six in total. Maybe.

What does she come back with? Over thirty fish. All in little plastic bags. Her killies, plus a bunch of killie eggs (she'll hatch 'em later on..) plus a bumper crop of immature bettas. In the end, after a bit of kibbitzing over individuals, we split the immature bettas between us. Thirteen or fourteen fish each. Which means I have a number of little jars sitting in front of one of my windows, and two females (the /obvious/ ones, I /hope/ ..) lounging around in their little bags in my tank.
I'll let 'em go after a day or so of acclimating them to our water.

Mom has it a bit worse - she's got her bunch and a LOT of little jars scattered from hell to breakfast. Plus two pairs of killies. Plus ten Ember Tetras and three endlers. And she's getting ten corydoras habrosus eventually.
Are we having fun yet?

And just think - all I wanted was ONE little ten gallon aquarium, with a few fish in it. o.O


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