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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Of a couple of quizzes and math..

*sigh* I sense a round of Phone Tag. Guess what my least favorite activity in the world is? I'm guessing this will be necessary because the advisors can't help me get out of Math 10. My options are basically two (three, technically..); talk to the teachers and get one of them to agree to take me into their class, or take the math portion of the test again and hope for a better score.
The third option is take Math 10 (or 11b, as they're now calling it) and hope for the best... *sigh* Don't want to.
I seriously resent having to pay to relearn stuff that I forgot a month after passing the GED (I /did/ pass the GED, even the math portion) because it's a requirement just to get into a place.
I'm an artist, for cripes sake! There's a /reason/ I forgot all that stuff a month or so after cramming it into my head - I never /used/ any of it after that! Never! And, of course, as you do when you aren't using it, you forget it.
I resent it, and really, I can't /afford/ it! Credit classes cost money. And college is already fuckin' expensive as it is! >.<
So, yeh. We're not amused.

Quizes. Snaffled from Shusu and Lutra, respectively.
The Mysterious Cities of Gold
What's your Classic Anime Series?

brought to you by Quizilla

I do what, now? Never heard of it ...

Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?

Damn near landed in Ravenclaw, too. Nifty. ^^


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