Of random quizes
Just one, actually, but I liked the result. ^^

To which race of Middle Earth do you belong?
brought to you by Quizilla
Eee! Horsey! ^^

To which race of Middle Earth do you belong?
brought to you by Quizilla
Eee! Horsey! ^^
YAY! Very nice new template.
Not so keen on the comments verification, though I fully support it and abhor the need for it. I just have trouble actually typing the damn things. Like instructions. I have trouble typin... er, following them too.
Ignore me. Tired and non-composted. Off to bed shortly.
Believe me, on the comment-verifier, I'm with you.
*mutters dire impreciations on would-be spammers*
... Non-composted? Ummmm ... Good? I mean, if you were somehow composted, I'm not sure that would be... um, desireable.. ? Unless you are using the word in a context with which I am not familiar? Which is possible.. ? Meep?
It's the Joulespeke version of not compos mentis. Composted = compos mentis (geddit? [beg])
I could of course have just said I was glaikit...
I have to remember that one ... ^^
(and, ooh! My verfication word is almost an actual word! ^^)
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