Watch out for the thorns - they're fond of clothing as well as my notes.. If I update something, you'll know about it.

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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Of stuff and things...

I figure I'm doing good to post /somewhere/ once a week when my schedule gets all funky.
Turkey day coming up and ... we're having ham. Hee, hee, hee...
What? I don't much like turkey and there's no such thing as a turkey (or much of anything else, really) small enough for two people. And I get /sick/ of left-over turkey. Turkey, turkey, turkey. Bleh. Much rather have leftover ham.
And I scored some brussels sprouts. Yum!
Will probably do my infamous potatoes with butter and spices (basically, scrub tuber, chop into chunks, shake spices on, scatter slices of butter and/or drizzles of olive oil and roast for about an hour. Numnumnum..) with it and I'm not sure what else... I'd like to have rolls, but lord knows I don't have the space - or for that matter, the ovens! (too damn much juggling. Heh.)

Finals coming up. Meep! On the other hand, from the look, I've only really got one actual exam to worry about - the art classes are 'well, let us have a look at your work' and writing is 'write this essay and do a presentation' - which is plenty nerve-wracking enough. I don't much like standing up and talking in front of people, and every indication I've had suggests this will be a 'stand up and talk in front of people' thing...

All that means that I haven't had time to think about updating the Lair, much less the Alcove and very little that isn't homework or housework has gotten done anywhere.


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