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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Of a fraggin' /long/ silence....

This term /sucked/.
Thankfully, it's nearly over....

Basic Design class /is/ over, and Drawing might as well be (just have to pick up my portfolio this Saturday), and Pilates will see the last 'official' class today - everything else is due Wenesday.

For the record? Lifeguard Training is /not/ easy. I have pushed myself and pushed - and I am /still/ not certain that I will be certified. However, at this point, I don't even care about the /lifeguard/ part - I'm just in it for the First Aid cert and the CPR cert.... O.o
However, I have enjoyed the class, overall - most all the other students are interesting people and I've enjoyed my time in class with them. While there are definitely one or two I could cheerfully strangle, you get some of those in every batch, I think... ^^;

Drawing class was fun this term - we spent the majority of it out on site, drawing this and that and the other, and I really had a good time stretching my drawing eye. ^^
I'll post some of the images in the Vortex, when I have time to photograph and upload them.

BD - I have GOT to take some pics of the dragon I made for my Final project. We did several projects, including wire, clay, multiplicity (making a sculpture out of paperclips, for example) and foam carving. For my final project, I made a dragon out of sculpey, using clay over wire to make wings and glitter as a multiple (I was going to use sequins, originally, but I misjudged the size). The wings are membrane-type, with super-thin sections composed of ordinary sculpey mixed with translucent Fimo.
Of all the projects, I was really the most pleased with that last one. ^^

Of writing, the less said the better - I am /really/ not at all good at that kind of essay writing. I enjoyed the book (we have been working with The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck), and I've enjoyed some of the reading on the book, but writing an essay about it has really been a fight....

So, yeh. Glad that the term's nearly over. Looking forward to Summer term, in a way - I'm goin' half-time (three classes. *sigh*) for summer and I figure it's gonna be /fun/. Heh.
I've already got Fall scheduled.... Yah, already. ;p

It'll be nice to have so much less going on all at once....
I might even have time to actually maintain my website! *shock!*
Ahhh... it'd be nice....


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