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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Of this and that - new term and the Games...

Summer Term's coming up this Monday. I've got a light schedule of Creative Writing, Art History (Midieval) and circuit training planned - and that's just classes. ^^
I'm looking forward to the 'major' classes, although one is, admittedly, mostly fluff, for me. *amused*

Summer plans outside of school involve the usual hanging about with friends, hitting the fairs and the Highland Games (that's a new one, admittedly) and generally getting into things that I've been interested in getting into for a while.
One of said things is hashing out clan membership - we used to be registered with the Hay Clan, back when Nanny and Poppa were still alive - and on and off, Mom has talked enough about it that I figure I may as well go ahead and roust out some paperwork.
This has very little to do with the kilt I asked Andi about getting for Christmas. *grin*
Okay, maybe it has a lot to do with it, but I've always wanted a kilt /anyway/. It's an excuse to wander around in a glorified blanket. What's not to like?
Of course, I can't find much on women wearing tartans - apparently, I'm supposed to settle for vague information.
... no, I don't think so. They won't give me the info I want, I'll just modify the men's version, sgian dubh and all (no, I don't care that the kilt is 'mens' clothes. So are jeans. Bite me).

In the hunt for information on traditional Scottish dress, I got Andi to track down what it would cost to kit him out in traditional Bavarian dress - and it would be cheaper to kit me out (black knife and all) than to kit him.... erk?
It's a nice mental image, though. Anyway...

So, I'm planning on hitting the Highland Games this year. Maybe with Mom, possibly with friends and probably with Andi. We'll make a hell of a party if /every/one goes... O.o

In other news, it's too hot to think and I am going to go look for an ice-bath now ....


Blogger Evil Duckie said...

the Kim in a kilt...i can see it. i really can. and it's a good image. looking forward to seeing it in reality.
on another verification code...sounds like the noise of the jaw hitting the floor and being clapped shut again.

1:47 PM  

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