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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Of inconvenient timing

Circe came down with a bad case of heatstroke and went Prrrtz!
... cue unhappy Thorne.

Andi says he can get my data back, maybe - and for now, I'm borrowing his Ulyxes machine - which runs Windows Vista. Which is a little bit weird - I've whacked it a bit and told it to not look like Windows Vista, but it's still weird....

I have to admit, I was wondering when Circe was going to do that, however - it's been /miserable/ in here ever since about the middle of June.... Ground floor, sound-facing apartment, thy name is hell.....
I wish I was exaggerating, truly I do ... but it's been bad enough that Andi slapped a high-tech water-cooling toy into Hermes - but you can't really do that with a laptop. >.<

So, that's what's been going on. *sigh* I hate computers....


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