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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Of working computers and a (rough) report of the Highland Games...

First, the good news. I got Circe back! Yay!
Of course, they put another crappy Hitachi drive in her - the poor thing - and we're going to have to get her a better drive when we can afford to, but I've got her back! Whoo hoo!

Now, the better news.
The Portland Highland Games were lots of fun - entirely too hot, but that's to be expected. We got there /just/ in time for Heather Alexander's first set, and I grabbed two CDs before she got into things. *boing!*
Good times were had by all and I walked out grinning. After that, we watched the big March of the Clans and were a little dismayed by the poor turnout for Clan Hay (my family used to have a membership card - we've since let it run out. I'm trying to fix that), as they had a grand total of three people on the field. Oh well - there's always next year (since, damnit, I will not be able to attend the Seattle Games this year...).
We then went tromping off to the Clan Tents - which were inexplicably stashed way the hell out on the other end of the campus. We found the Hay tent, but no sign of people. Drat. So, off we wandered, and I entered a kilt raffle (I never win anything, but it's fun to enter sometimes), and watched some of the hammer-throwing and weight-pitching. The hammer-throw was impressive (I nearly jumped out of my skin, hearing the first of them scream), and the nerve of the guys doing the measuring... the weight-pitching wasn't nearly as impressive to watch.
We left after that, and headed back down (no one in the Hay tent again... drat), and wandered back around to the main field, watched some dancing (with the crossed swords - I forget what that's called. Sorry) and then walked around the 'hi, we're selling things! Come buy some!' tents for a while. I found (finally!) a nice sgian dubh, with a horn hilt and a very plain sheath. Didn't do much else - I was tempted by the tartan sashes and clan badges, but Hay is /not/ a common clan, and I had a hell of a time tracking down any suitable things. ... and, I think if I want pure wool or cotton (cotton, if it's high summer in Oregon) hose, I will have to knit it myself... at least the flashes won't be hard. I'd just need red, dark green and or yellow.
Then we went into the building (Andi was hot, and I was kind of hot and I wanted to see what was in there, where it was cool) and found the biggest damn display of sharp shit I'd EVER seen anywhere. I /soooo/ wanted one of those scimitars... one of the wooden ones. ^^
Then it was back outside, to bump into some of Melissa's SCA crowd (one of whom vaguely recognised me - I didn't recognise either of them, but I recognised two others who came over to talk to them) and settle in and wait for Heather's second set to start.
That was good. More fun was had (audience participation! Yay!) and after I got my CDs signed (whoo hoo!!), we decided it was time to pack it in. Both of us were sunburned by then (I've started peeling, not that you needed to know that), and I already want to go again. ^^


Blogger Evil Duckie said...

some dancing (with the crossed swords - I forget what that's called

the Gillum Callie, i believe....i'll look it up tonight

5:37 PM  

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