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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Of the latest news

I think.

Last Wednesday, Mr. Manager and Ms. Supervisor turned up (around one - so much for the plans we'd had that day), to inspect.
No one had time to do more than some maintenance cleaning (at the time, we were also entertaining a guest from overseas - my MiL), so things weren't really very 'neat' (you could, however, see the floor, and the boxes had been shifted.
Ms. Supervisor, with whom we had managed to get off on the wrong foot with from the beginning (up til then, we had been wondering what we'd done to her), basically had a short list of what she wanted to see done - including regular attention to the litter box (no one, including DMiL, Mom, a couple friends and my dad could smell said box - and aside from my parents, none of the above have cats. Ms. Supervisor does have cats - she is apparently the litter-box police) and clearing up the clutter (I refrained from pointing out that what you get when you marry an Artist to a Network Admin/Computer Geek, you inevitably will get clutter - from the Artist, if not the Computer Geek). They did /not/ believe us about the pipes (my Dad does plumbing. He said the only thing /he/ could smell was musty pipes, /not/ sewer gas...). Knowing what's going on with the Mysterious Smell helps, but we're still moving ....

So, Friday, we hike our happy little asses out to the ass end of the world (well, not quite, because MAX still goes there) and take a look at a two-bed place there (one is clearly not going to be big enough - if only because Andi's got that massive blade server that makes horrible noises in the summer when it's fans kick in), and the overall impression was 'we like it'. There's a dangerous light fixture in the dining area (dangerous because /I/ could hit my head on this thing), and I don't like the Wall to Wall carpeting or the way most of the heating is set up (baseboard, forced-air), but the space, the kitchen-layout (a lot better than our current setup), and the storage options are worth the quibbles... and honestly, it's on the third floor. I think I can forgive some carpeting. Ah - on the third floor /and/ it's got it's own fireplace. That'll be fun - we might actually have to get some kind of fire-place tools (oops - and we don't know where to look for those ...). O.o
So, we put in an application, found the local shopping (Winco, New Seasons - there's even a Jo-Ann Fabrics and a G.I.Joe's in the general vicinity, although I had massive nasty blisters on my feet before we were done with that (they're healing, but it's still not fun to walk around). Not within walking distance, but should be alright for bicycling purposes. So we'll do that.

As for the rest of it - Term starts the 25th and I've got Culteral Anthropology, First Year German and Life Drawing on my plate. We're going to move the weekend of the 5th - yep, /during/ term. We nuts? Yeh - but we'll have money by then ....

So, I'm packing, clearing up and we're trying to keep a closer eye on the litterbox.
Needless to say, all this has preventing me doing anything 'fun' - so, only a /very/ little new art, no updates, no chances to do anything about the Alcove. Have I mentioned recently that Murphy is a bastard? >.<

Oh. Andi's Mom - my MiL - turned up for a week Thursday before last, and we spent most of the week chasing around enjoying ourselves. We hit the Saturday Market (and I got a /great/ kitty toy, and a spiral-thingy with a purple cats-eye ball in it that is utterly mesmerising to watch - I will try to remember to get and post a pic...), and the coast (took Duckie and Duckling along. Best quote of the day, "More Ocean!" - repeated often by the Duckling, even after she was knocked sprawling by a wave. Yep. She's her mother's child), went and had dinner with my parents (/everybody/ had a good time, and the roast was excellent). Overall, the week was a success. ^^

There were times this week when I was ready to scream, and I admit that I was massively upset for a large portion of the inspection (hands shaking, heart racing, adrenaline going like /mad/ - and no, Ms. Supervisor's attitude (combination of condescention, alpha-female and something I'm not sure of that /really/ rubbed me wrong) didn't help. Since walking is currently Not Fun, I'm trying to take advantage of it and get myself grounded again.

This too shall pass....


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