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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Of being disappointed

Right. So, we're in the new place.
It's nice - I like it, there's WAY more space - so it's not the new place I'm disappointed in.

Nooo ... right now, It's people I'm frustrated with.
Top of the list. Internet. Local provider is Ver1zon. Ver1zon is a bunch of idjits, who think it takes three weeks (date we were originally for DSL connect is the 24th) to connect us. Quote from Andi: 'Bullshit'.
No, I will not say how I'm getting online - suffice to say that I'm glad there's a wireless card in my laptop (which, due to circumstances, I currently have a USB keyboard plugged into. Guess what it'll cost us to replace the keyboard in the laptop? No? Ja, that's what I thought).

Next item. Moving crew. Of the four that showed up, only two (not counting myself and Andi) actually did anything like heavy work. The fifth person had their own job, and they know who they are if they read this. That ended in a weekend project taking 2+ days. We /still/ don't have everything shifted.
The Thorne is NOT AMUSED. Clearly, I need either better bribes, or I need a whip - and time to actually make use of the damn thing. That having been said, I have The Best Relitives in the WORLD - no shit - and although I'm pretty sure they won't read this, I want to make it clear that I love them and am exceedingly grateful they busted themselves on Andi's and my account this weekend.

Next item: Really more a nitpick than a real disappointment - is it /really/ necessary for EVERYTHING to be so #$!@!! far away? Grocery shopping is a pain (or will be, until we can get a few things for the bicycles - like lights (Andi's needs a tune-up, badly) and stuff.

In other news, classes are probably good, but I'm taking the front half of the week off to get shit shifted (ie; I actually GO to class Thursday - today and tomorrow I'm playing hooky to get my household re-sorted). But I'm enjoying German class, and while the Culteral Anthropology professor never shuts up, at least now we know that we can query him during lectures without having major concequences.
And Life Drawing ... well, I've yet to have an art class that I /didn't/ get some fun out of. And the teacher may be a bit of a flake (is there any such thing as an art teacher who /doesn't/ have the flake thing going on? /I/ am a bit of a flake in some areas), but at least she knows her shit and she doesn't have AAAARGH! moments when she sees my moments of 'bored artist' (I work fast. If she gives us twenty minutes, I'm likely to finish sooner than that, and then I get bored. Boredom + Me = weird shit on the paper. I slapped a tail on the model, last time...). I dunno if she approves, exactly, but she doesn't freak out. ^^

So ... yeh. That's more or less what's going on. In about an hour I'm going to go and start all over again. At least this morning I didn't wake up sore....


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