Watch out for the thorns - they're fond of clothing as well as my notes.. If I update something, you'll know about it.

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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Friday, December 10, 2004


Well, I /was/ planning on going out today, but Mom made off with the car...

Have to wait for Monday. That includes the mailing of packages that I'd intended to get out today - sorry, Lutra. >.<

Oh well. I /did/ get a major scan-party done - details in the Creative Vortex as usual - and that will probably be cue for a large /update/. ^.~

Nothin' else much happenin' - Andi's been called in for a job interview next Wenesday and had one a couple of days ago, and The Interview is sceduled for Jan 4 - bout damn time. ^^
I'm attempting to make sense of the living room, since I have to squeeze one uncle and a tree into it for two weeks. I think I can pull it off - I just have to move a lot of things around, and maybe box up some books. *pause* We have half a libraries' worth, and the only rooms that do /not/ contain books are the bathrooms and possibly some closets. Everywhere else, there's at /least/ one. Usually more. *sigh* Maybe we're up to another trip to the used bookstore....

I should probably go see who's doing what about dinner - I've been up here scanning and playing and generally having a good time with my art - it's probably time to do something productive.. ^.~


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