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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Friday, November 05, 2004


Temperature has dropped like a boulder off the top story of the Empire State Building - and I'm cold. Mind you, I'd rather be cold than overheated - for the simple reason that cold can be dealt with by simply putting on more layers.
When overheated, there's only so much you can take off and still be publicly decent. And the alternative - spending half the summer swimming - is only good if you have the fundage to do it. (Gods, I /wish/.)

Lookout - political rant upcoming ...

And it happened. Proof that there is no God - the Shrub has been re-elected. *sigh*
Well, I tried. Over half of Oregon tried. Over half of several other states tried. And we're still stuck with a warmongering shrub with pretentions of glory and ... something.

What /is/ it with people? This guy has dropped the country into the toilet! We're in debt past our ears (After having a record surplus, under Clinton..), have next to no jobs available and have apparently broken the record for unemployed people, have a fucking /war/ on our hands - that he started on lies and deceit - and gods only know how many people dead because of it! To add insult to injury, we've lost a whole /bunch/ of basic freedoms, the respect of half the world, not to mention their support - and people want four more years of this?!

I'm an artist, a gamer - a writer, occasionally. I have a wretched temper, and I /hate/ people as a general rule. (With good reason, I think - particularly after /this/ demonstration of mob intelligence..)
But I would /very/ much like to think that the country I call my own is a /good/ place to live. We can cuss out our government freely, rant and rave about the injustices dealt us, complain endlessly about policies if we care to - things that most people can't do. Women have the right to vote, have a good career, raise their kids and throw their husbands out on their ears if they behave like cheating bastards.
There are people of every size, shape and colour out there, with hopes and dreams and desires - and /this/ is what those people do with their vote? Feh.

Don't get me started on the measures. I /still/ can't believe people are so terrified of the gays and lesbians that they would add a note to the Constitution - the Constitution! - saying that they cannot legally enjoy the same rights and freedoms that a married couple enjoys. (Okay - maybe not /religious/ marriage - but damn it, they should be perfectly free to have a civil union! And hell, if they /want/ a religious marriage, who the hell are /we/ to stop 'em?)
We don't need that in the Constitution - it doesn't belong there.
And yet, they put it in. To 'defend' marriage. You wanna defend marriage? Outlaw divorce! Make it punishable by death to be an adulterer. That makes slightly more sense than forbidding men to marry men, or women to marry women.

Gah. *kicks the soapbox under the bed*
Sorry. I think I've had that rant saved up since the elections...

I'm behind on updates again - one of these days, I have to get back on a web-cycle...


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