Watch out for the thorns - they're fond of clothing as well as my notes.. If I update something, you'll know about it.

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I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Of inlaws and furniture

What's the saying? You can choose your inlaws but you can't choose family?
*gripe* Be that as it may, I think I'd like to take a clue-bat to certain of my inlaws.
I shall spare you the rant - suffice to say that /here/, people keep their word about things. Most of the time, anyway.

Moving is going to require that we acquire some furniture. I'll start with Freecycle ( and see what I can scrounge.
We don't /really/ need that much, fortunately, and I'm scrounging anything I can get my hands on. Bookshelves will be paramount - I've got four (well, three for sure) and I'll be scrounging /those/ wherever I can. O.o Ah, the perils of literacy. ^.~
Table, chairs. Dishes I think I can scrounge, flatware I can /certianly/ scrounge - I found out that the old set of flatware is still here! All that needs is tossed through the dishwasher. *purrpurrpurr*

Got to make a list. I want some cast iron pans, and I'll need some other stuff too. I'm betting Mom will help me look (as long as whatever is coming out of my pocketbook, anyway. Heh. ^^) and she knows good cookware when she sees it - she can educate me. ^^

Moving is going to be interesting, particularly for me - I've accumulated over ten years worth of stuff, and despite periodic tossings, I still have a lot of it. I sense another cleaning frenzy...

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Waaah! I don't like being sick!

The cough has got worse - I really /am/ debating crawling into bed with the new HP book and a bucket of thyme tea and not coming out again until either I finish the book again or the tea's gone, or I have to go to the bathroom.

As for the new HP book - I got /that/ Sunday and promptly curled up with it.
Less than eight hours later, I was through it and thinking, wtf?!
I'll save you my spoiler-fest blathering, but there were some things happened in there that threw me. (And a few non-surprises. The ID of the Half-blood prince, for example - that wasn't much of a shock...)
We also got a copy of the sequel to Howl's Moving Castle, 'Castle in the Sky' and I killed /that/ yesterday... *snert* Good book. ^^

Probably shouldn't go through 'em so fast, but it's hard not to. Of course.. I'm hiding out upstairs again, because Mom has gone into Houndlet Training Mode - Tziki has discovered she can push the pickets out of the fence and escape, prompting Mom to begin The Process... I'm not sure who I feel sorrier for - them because they are shut up in their crates most of the day (prevention of accidents and the like - has a number of downsides...) and tend to /scream/.. or us, because they do tend to scream and you don't want to know what a houndlet with hurt feelings sounds like...
For the record, no, I don't agree with shutting them up in their crates all day. However, I am not getting into it. I voiced my concerns at the start and was politely ignored, so.

Good news is, it looks like we might be able to move out of here come October! Wantoutwantoutwantout!!!!
No more houndlets! I'll miss Shadi, Fetish and Topaz, but I will /not/ miss the houndlets in the least.

Blogger is probably /still/ playing merry havok with the templates - wonder if I should try and fix it myself or bitch to them about it?

I'm pretty sure this has done the rounds at least once, but this time I snitched it from B. Onna





Friday, July 22, 2005

Of coursing and house-cleaning.

I have a recessive neat-gene. I say 'recessive' because it often takes a while to actually kick in, but it is there. I know this, because I spent the vast majority of today getting pissed off and cleaning.
I figure cleaning while I'm mad makes good use of the rage-induced energy. 'Course, sometimes I get madder, depending on what I find while I'm cleaning.......

Anyway. I had a pretty good time - I cleared the 'aisle' leading from the living room space into the computer room (yes. We have enough computers to warrent a whole room dedicated to them - it used to be the parlor...) and swept the floor and vacuumed the rug. I then got annoyed and windexed the front door (it's mostly glass - twelve or so little glass panels set in some sort of wood. Fir? I dunno..) and some other glass.

The thing that annoys me, in between the 'yay, it's clean!' glow is that... no one will notice. >.<

Oh well. They're gone for three days, up to Washington to course the hounds and get Shadi his JC qualifications (He's got an AFSA (I think - might be ASFA..)-qualified up the yahoo, but not AKC-qualified...) and get him on the first leg of the rest. And maybe see how interested the girls are.
Good. Maybe I can catch up on some of the clearing...

I was going to say something else, but I don't remember what. So much for activity helping the memory... Oh, right. I've had this rotten cough for the past few days. Nasty, nasty - but aside from it I am not feeling sick. Erh? Well, okay..
This is new. Admittedly, it's not stopping me from functioning (obviously!) but it is /really/ annoying!
And worst when I first get up. *Sigh*

.... I will be /so/ glad to get out. At least then any messes will be /our/ messes and no one but us to freak if they don't get picked up instantly.. >.<

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Another year...

Another drop of wisdom in the Great Pool.
Happy Birthday to me. ^^

Actually had fun.
I woke up around four or five in the morning to something humming past the house - something with lights on it - hey, I heard a UFO! Neat! (Since I haven't got a /clue/ what it was, I'm pretty sure it qualifies as 'Unidentified' - and it seemed to be airborne - so. ^^)
Omen didn't like it - when the humming was loudest, he went and hid under the headboard. But it wasn't there for very long - still dunno wtf it was.

I then went back to sleep - after I got up we futzed about a little and then went to the Bead Faire in Portland. I got goodies!!!
I got 'em all from the same booth too. ^^ a pair of shark's teeth - not matched, but nice, all the same, and a couple of drilled bits of agate. One longish and skinny - blue-grey in colour, the other round and slightly faceted - a bit of carnelian or red agate. ^^
And, I've got free admission for the Gem Faire in November - might have to take advantage of that...

Then, we hied back out to The Rheinlander - (Also Gustav's - they share the building) and had dinner. Lamb. HMmnnnn yummy... *puurRrrrrr*
*chuckles* We had fun - eating over there means you are likely to be serenaded by guys with accordions (well-played. I didn't wince even once..) and sung to. At? With? All of the above, depending on who you are and how well you know the songs.
Naturally, since it was my birthday, I was sung /at/, and given apple strudel and a balloon. The strudel was /excellent/, and Omen is playing with the balloon. (The string, specifically. He's having a good time.)
I'd have sung along, had I known any of what they were singing. ^^;

In short, a good day, marred only by Andi misjudging the turn radius in the truck and scraping the paint off the passenger-side door.
Other than that, though, it was good. ^^

Friday, July 01, 2005

Ooooh ....

Damn long day.
Hied our collective butts into Portland - and over to PCC to see about ID cards and arranging for Direct Dep of my FinAid haul (which I won't see until well after the term has started. This is a pain in the butt, even if their reasoning is sound. Anyway.)
Then PSU, so Andi can arrange for things. Turns out that's a little more complex than first anticipated.... typical.

Then, we hit Regal's Fox Tower 10 to see Howl's Moving Castle. (From the novel of the same title by Diana Wynne Jones. I've read it, Andi hasn't. Can I find a copy in Powells? No. *sigh*)
Oh, /wow/. Okay, so it didn't follow the book that closely. Who /cares/!? The scenery, the story - it was good! Of course, I've come to expect good stuff from Studio Ghibli and the guy who did Spirited Away (.. I can't spell his name correctly for the life of me and I refuse to garble it!) and was not disappointed here.
Now I have to get my paws on the book so Andi can read it. Heh. (Btw, I recommend /both / - but read the book first, if you can...)
After that, we hiked /way/ the hell up Sandy to Gustav's and had dinner. (Gustav's - German restaraunt Andi wanted to test out. ^^) ... we were favourably impressed. Hell, I'd go back just for the raspberry lemonade and the salmon.... ^^

In other news, the kitten has /finally/ been given an official name. He's 'Omen' - hopefully, a /good/ Omen! ^.~ (Well, not so good right now - he's trying his best to 'help' me type this out ... Heh.)
We decided to call him that after I pointed out his habit of getting /right/ in your ear (laying down, or sitting up - he gets up on your shoulder) and mewling and moaning. He's very vocal. ^^

... and wtf is up with Blogger?! My previous two posts are all the way the hell down under the goodie-box - what's up with that?!