Watch out for the thorns - they're fond of clothing as well as my notes.. If I update something, you'll know about it.

My Photo

I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Saturday, September 25, 2004


Got an update in - and moved some things around in the Peanut Gallery. Mostly, just grouped up the multiple entries, and added a few new ones.
So there's a /normal/ picture of Shard, a better pic of Tsune and some other stuff...
Most of which will turn up also in the Vortex, so no one has to drive themselves nuts trying to figure out what got updated and what didn't .. ^.~

Paperwork .. blegh. We'll have to go Monday. Monday is starting to look like a /very/ busy day - unless the bike shop calls tomorrow, there's a /very/ good chance they'll be done with my bike by then, and we have to go into Portland to talk with the honourary consul, and get Andi his interviews and prints and gods know what else..
Apparently, they're afraid that if they made the immegration process /easy/ - people would actually want to /do/ it. O.o

Not like we really have a choice - Andi doesn't want to go back and I don't much care for the idea of living over there. Which means he stays here. With me. *grins*
Worth it, I think - even though I'm beginning to entertain very happy thoughts about paperwork and giant shredders...

Anyway.. Oh! I actually managed to forget - I've finally got baby mollies! Two of 'em, even. They're so cute...
I've been moving bettas around, too - tryin' to figure out what in the hells I've got. Looks like I've got a lot of deltas and a couple of maybe-promising crowntails. That's not too shabby, when you consider.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


It went! It finally went! *boingboingboingboing* EEEEeeee!

Okay. I'm sane, now. Or at least, capable of successfully faking it again. ^^
The paperwork WENT. It's in the mail, it's GONE. It's one less thing to freak out about. We are /very/ pleased. (Andi was /literally/ bouncing around squee'ing. ^^ Well, so was I..)
I also got a passport app sent in - I think I might /just/ win a prize for the worst passport photo EVER... (/really/ bad mood that day, I was scowling at the camera..) oughta have that by the end of the month, next month. Better to have it and not need it, methinks..

Also - even MORE good news - I finished another commission! YAY! *boingboingboingboingboing* Eeeeeee!

Tomorrow, we're going to hike into Portland and deliver the stuff that has to be hand-delivered and jump through whatever other hoops they were gonna insist on. We'll both go - and then, if we have time we'll drop by Powells and the Whole Foods grocery... heh. I'm wondering if we will need to cram one of the soft coolers into my backpack.. ^.~

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


Paperwork is proceeding off schedule as usual. If we're /real/ lucky, we'll get the list checked off and everything sent in to it's various places before the end of the month.
I /hate/ paperwork.


Updates. I'm working on it, I swear.
There /is/ new stuff, I just haven't got any of it added in yet. Yes, it /did/ get uploaded. No, it did not get added. And I haven't been doing a hell of a lot of writing lately, although I /did/ manage to finish chapter twenty.... Which, I s'pose, means I should be updating Hunter's Destiny again.

Fish. All fine. I need to change the water again.....

Other news. Andi and I scattered flyers around Mac - me for artwork and commissions, him for playing net-techie and fixing machines and troubleshooting networks. My dad is also teaching him PLCs - we having fun yet? ^^
It's been a weird month...

Monday, September 06, 2004

Labor day..

A day on which we don't /do/ anything.

Is this another of those holidays upon which all have forgotten the true meaning? Wouldn't surprise me, honestly. ... Okay, maybe not. According to at least one website, it's a holiday created for workers in the states. (And what the /hell/ is wrong with weekends?) Still, seems a little /odd/ to me to refer to a national day off as 'Labor' day. Eh. Government...

I promised some pics, ne? I finally got around to uploading them - only two, right now. Keep forgetting to poke everybody ELSE for pics.. Anyway.

The trained Trlbys - while I was flying them, since Andi took the pic..
Trlby diamonds in train

You can /see/ that I'm flying two kites in this pic - the last one wasn't /nearly/ as good. ^^

And Mom's rotating box kite - while /she/ was flying it.
The neat rotating box - is that nifty or what?
This thing goes up like a dream, when you've got the wind to lift it. For quite a while, it marked our 'spot' on the beach while we wandered around and flew kites and dropped handles and generally had a good time. ^^

And - *sigh* Looks like it's my turn to have comp issues. Andi isn't sure if it's the mobo having issues or the RAM sticks simply disagreeing with each other (unlikely, since they were bought at the same place at the same time, but possible), but I've got a hardware issue. *grumble*
For some reason, I'm currently hoping it's the mobo - that's not as expensive a fix as replacing the RAM. (I was under the opposite impression, but maybe that's just because I've always seen the pocket-book EEK! of replacing the mobo and the CPU all at once... Meep.)

*sighs* Well, maybe I'll take advantage of it - I've always wanted some round drive cables...
However, I'm not amused. This seems to be an ongoing thing - I cannot have a comp without /something/ being wrong with it from the get-go. And here I always thought that was Jet/Ayzur getting comfortable.......

Bleh. Gonna hit the Convention later, get my mind off all this... stuff. *pokes Jet* Behave, missy - or I won't write about you anymore. Or I'll do to you what I do to the /rest/ of the peanut gallery........
*long, debating silence, sense of vague amusement and assent*

... I shoulda known. Right. I'm going to go do something about my hair....

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Ooooo ..

I found out, yesterday that there's an anime convention happening in Portland!

We were thinking to go today, but Andi's tweaked his ankle and I'm in a /throughly/ unsociable mood - so we'll probably go Monday, or maybe tomorrow.

If anyone's interested, they have a website here. They call it Kumoricon - it's the first anime convention /ever/ held in Portland.. I wanna go! Meh.

Well, it's more accessible here than it would have been in Eugene - which is where they apparently held it /last/ year - eh.
Never attended a convention before.. any kind of convention. hm. ^^

I know now - I can plan for next year. And maybe volunteer - don't they let the volunteers wander for free? ^.~

Other things. Uh. Haven't got an update in yet, although I've got some stuff pending. I'm waiting to finish this commission - which I have to get to, too. Tryin' to remember what else is going on - mind's a blank.
Guess it must not be very important, then. ^^