Of fairs and cardweaving...
I hadn't been able to pull my warp before we left (That's a two-man job - or one, with the assistance of a table) and wound up testing the weight of the table against how hard I can pull to get the threads straight. Not very hard. Heh. Wound up bracing the damn thing with my foot most of the time, just to keep the table outta my lap! ^.~
Why'd I think no one would be interested in this? We had a lot of interested people, and if I'd been thinking with half my brain, I would have suggested to Mom that we write up some little flyers to put out. A couple of the people we talked to had actually done cardweaving before - and in fact the lady who was spinning just behind me for much of the evening had also done cardweaving at one point at was rather interested in the whole thing.
Actual weaving was interesting - despite some oopses with the pattern (KC very helpfully dumped the whole thing on the floor Sunday, before I'd gotten the cards bound together, and it looks like I swapped two putting them back together, which turned a nice greek key into a nice wave pattern.) Hm. Going to have to chart that and see if I can do it on /purpose/... it made an interesting contrast to the un-muddled greek key on the other side...
The adding cards went fairly well, although I had one or two issues. Mom has big loops in hers where the new warp-threads weren't tight enough... *sigh* I had the same thing happen. You have to pull them /tight/ - which creates it's own problems later.... Anyway. ^^
There was an older gentleman spinning behind us - I think he was there all evening - whom I found rather amusing. He spun nice .. thread? Fine yarn? I'm not sure what exactly, but it looked nice. I didn't get a chance to ask him about it. He was kind of amusing - he always had something to say to the people passing, and even dared another gentleman to pull my braid to see if it was all mine. *chuckles*
Pulled it myself, to demonstrate. Heh. They all thought that was funny and I wound up telling him and the lady with him some about what I was doing. Very funny. ^^
Are long skirts going out of style or something? I didn't feel like wearing jeans - I /knew/ I was going to be sitting down a lot and most of my jeans (what's clean, anyway) dig into my gut when I've been sitting for a while. So I got annoyed and fished one of my skirts out of the closet and wore that (Mom said I should have taken some more care with my choice of colours - brown shirt with burgundy-red skirt does not meet her approval. *Sigh* Thanks, Mom. Now I am wondering if that girl who complemented me on it was being sarcastic...). but y'know what? I only saw one other person around my age in the whole damn crowd nutty enough to wear a skirt - and she was wearing a short skirt. So, what the heck? (Okay, I grant you, jeans or slacks are a hell of a lot more practical, but I wasn't planning on hitting the rides.. ^.~)
Oh... they had a giant slingshot. No, you did not go flying into orbit, but you'd come damn close before you came back down.... O.o
We had a good time, though - it was fun and I'd sort of like to do it again next year. (And next year, I will be a little more on the ball, and we may legitimately get in free. Of course, no one bothered to ask us for a ticket, so ... Heh.)
Yes, yes - I /did/ get some pictures. Not necessarily of everything around us (Lutra, you can kill me, if you like - I did /not/ get pictures of all the nifty quilts I saw - but I can describe a few, if you like...) but of Mom and I cardweaving, with maybe some background, I did get. (Some background may include the massive walking wheel one of the ladies had - I'm not sure. If it /is/, it won't be in terribly good focus, I don't think.
... I hurt. My back did /not/ like working off that table.. or maybe it was the chair.. and complained all the way home. I did the driving, and did /not/ get us lost. In either direction - which is probably a miracle in and of itself, considering that Mom didn't know where she was going and I don't usually direct well when I don't know all the street-names and what they call the bridges.
Oh, and no - neither of us finished our bands. I might have, except that I got sidetracked by all the booths when I went looking for something to eat. I saw some beautiful glass dragons... *sigh* for $50 ... and wound up getting a corn-dog from a boothie with an unlikely furry black hat (like a wide-brimmed bolero with /fur/. I damn near went looking for one myself, just for the *snerk* factor - and I think I know where I /could/ have got one - but the only one I saw was PINK. Or maybe bright magenta. Bright, anyway ^^). My stomach is not real pleased, although I admit I like the damn things better fresh and hot enough to feel going down...
Gods, I'm longwinded tonight - but I keep thinking of things to write down.... ^^;