Watch out for the thorns - they're fond of clothing as well as my notes.. If I update something, you'll know about it.

My Photo

I'm an artist, a writer and chief cook and bottlewasher for a two-person household. My patience for stupid is extremely limited.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Ooo - *splat*

Mph. I dunno what the temp is out there, but it feels like it's way too hot.

I know this 'cause I went out and strung a clothsline to dry a blanket on. And I think I'm going to have to re-stake it, 'cause those flimsy little pegs aren't gonna hold a wet wool blanket...

That's something I've been wanting to wash for a while - hey, got it /out/ of my closet, and /out/ of my room - at least until it's clean and I can put it away. ^^

Mental note. Do /not/ use nylon line for anything important. It's too damn slippery to take any useful sorts of knots. Yes, I know how to tie knots. No, I was never a Girl Scout. (Do they /teach/ that to Girl Scouts?) However, I have yet to learn to splice rope. Heh. Probably next month - Mom says she's going to find some appropriate line and teach us all how to do that. ^^

Um. Website. Yeh, I'm getting to it. ^^
I ain't forgot! Really. O.o

Saturday, July 24, 2004


View of a room
You know it's kind of inevitable. Things gotta be moved. In this case - one dresser into the closet (I can't see the back anymore, but that's got nothing to do with furniture and everything to do with the leather coat hanging on a hook in the back of it..) and one to where the one now in the closet was. You can see the edge of the recently shifted one in this picture..

And yeh, that's my desk. Messy, ain't it? ^^ The coloured things are origamis - origami peacocks, a lot of 'em. There's also Gollum, lookin' around warily and a couple of dragons gettin' ready for lunch. I /think/ only one is visible though..

Anyway. Progress /is/ being made. Slowly. O.o

Friday, July 23, 2004


I'm taking a break from turning my room into a bombsite.

However, I found the closet floor.....

I'm trying to get rid of stuff, so updates to the Lair are gonna be a lot less over the next few days. I've got sketches to put in, so there's no lack of updates from /that/ area.. just sketches. I don't think I've had the chance to sit down and /write/ for a long time .. O.o


Is it just me, or do people tend to hoard things, even when they don't have the packrat-mentality? I mean, I never considered myself much of a packrat, but I've got /stuff/ I've had since the move from Springhill - and that's been over ten years ago! (Longer, actually, I think...)
I'm /slowly/ working my way back through the junk. Some of it I will keep, but most is either going in the garbage or via Goodwill/St. Vincents/Freecycle. This suits me /just/ fine.

The cats are having a wonderful time - the upheaval creates a lot of /stuff/ for them to go through, and they're having a good time. ^^
Discovered on various other blogs..

You are a Hyper Neko
You are completely HyperNeko! Way too much energy
for your own good, you're constantly pouncing
things and running around in circles mewing.
Cute, though.

Which member of the Neko Hordes are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Speaking of cats.. ^^

If you were on a battlefield right now, versus everything...
Lover or a Fighter?
Fight for good or evil?
Battle Cry
Weapon of Choice Aluminum Bat
Appearance Dressed in Full Samurai Armour, while riding your trusty steed
Your Battle Cry... Infuriates the enemy
Foes slain upon first strike: - 82%
What you fight Stupid People
You fight.... So you can get to see some gore
This Quiz by Ferggs - Taken 23806 Times.
New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology and Horoscopes

Heh. *evil grin*

Friday, July 16, 2004

... !?!

... Okay, they've been futzing with the code again..


Happy Birthday to me - I've seen two decades and change. Yay. *waves little flag ala Monty Python and the Holy Grail*
You can tell I'm really enthused. What is it about birthdays that makes 'em so magical and fascinating when you're a kid and less so as you get older? Must be the presents.
I got one early and don't know if there'll be anything else. Debating giving a shit. ^^
On the upshot, I ain't cooking tonight. ^^

I've got an update pending, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Mostly art. I haven't been doing a hell of a lot of writing lately, and less coding. Not really surprised, this stuff comes in cycles, and I've been on a 'contest' cycle for the past few days.
Which is to say, I've got one entry done, and I'm sorting out the best ways to set up for NEXT year - I'm not going to be able to pull that this year, unfortunately... just ain't time. >.<

Oh well.

Fish are fine. Larry - who is the biggest of the two male lyre-tails, has coloured up beautifully. ... he's supposed to be silver, not pale gold in the head and might lighter in the body with a black border on his tail and gold in the /sailfin/ .... yup. NEVER buying fish at Petco ever again ... So I have a tri-colour sailfin Lyretail. Should I be glad they haven't managed to spawn yet? Heh. Ah well.
I'll have to collar the fish people at Kraemers - or maybe the Cabana - and see what can be arranged.
He's actually a nice fish - lovely, clear colouring, and he's /huge/ - but damn it all, I wanted /silvers/, not tri-colours.. *grumble*

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Various wackiness..

Or not.
I dunno - it's been one of those days, kind of. Not /bad/, but weird.

Not too long ago, I had a /brilliant/ idea - why not go out, buy another HD, and stuff it in the server? (We have a server - it's kind of a long story..) and set up a secondary page on that? I can run my gallery /there/, and have all the space I want! Hm. What a concept.. ^.~
Well, it's still in the preliminary stages, but that would certainly help solve the space issues... just gotta learn a little more LINUX. Heh.

In other news - the fish are fine. The big tank is full of baby fish (one of the bettas survived! I'm astonished..) with four endlers, one betta and at /least/ one platy.. are we shocked? Well, sort of.. it's more than /I/ expected. Gotta see what can be done about the mollies. I'm pretty sure they /are/ breeding, but I'm not seeing any of the babies yet.. O.o

Generally, not /really/ a bad day. Just weird and minorly aggrivating in some ways..
Oh! Nicked from various blogs..

The Clairvoyant
The Clairvoyant Guide - Typically you are an
peculiar enigma to those around you. You are in
the habit of surprising people with uncanny
insight and helpful advice. Sadly, your
tremendous help is rarely acknowledged. That is
alright however, for you know what's coming for

What Type of Storybook Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla



A mythical being of Chinese mythology, comparable
with the western unicorn. Ki-lin personifies
all that is good, pure, and peaceful. It lives
in paradise and only visits the world at the
birth of a wise philosopher. The Ki-Lin is
said to walk on earth and on water. It never
drinks or eats dirty food or water. The Chinese
unicorn never treads on smaller animals below
its feet nor does it ever harm another living
creature. The Ki-Lin is the emblem for
exquisite goodness, longevity, grandeur,
endless compassion and great wisdom. According
to Chinese mythology, at the birth of Confucius
a Ki-Lin appeared and Confucius died soon after
a Ki-Lin was killed, he believed that his
writings would not proceed from the omen of the
death of the Unicorn.

Which Chinese Mythological Being Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

*snerk* A /unicorn/?! Me?! Oh, man - that's funny...

Sunday, July 04, 2004


What a day..

Mom got back today, and her train was due in at 2:30. It /finally/ showed up sometime after 4:30, and they mislaid her checked luggage. She had all her carry-on stuff, of course, but the big bag is godsknow where. We're pretty sure it'll turn up eventually, but.. wow.

So, after getting lost in Salem AGAIN... (seems to be a pattern..) we came home and Mom investigated her fish - and will probably turn up up here wanting to see mine when she finally de-interfaces.. ^.~

*grumble* I was hoping to avoid the issues of slides. Apparently however, my commission sales (We'll not discuss how I've not had any since.. that's not the point.. *grumblethesecond*) mean that I'm suddenly a professional artist. (WTF?! Since when? I do /not/ feel like a professional bloody ANYTHING!) which means I can't enter the amateur divisions. Why not? Search me. Tempted to say 'screw it' and just enter the amateur divisions anyway - but either way, I'm running out of time.
Gotta pick something. *whimper*

Btw - neat thing. Was watching Wolf's Rain the other night, and the guy who does Tsume's American voice is Crispin Freeman - who is also Alucard's Amercian VA in Hellsing! Cool beans. ^^
I rather like what little I'm seeing - the graphics are nice, the plot seems to have a point, and the voices fit. At least, they fit what I've seen of the characters! (Only seen like three, four eps..) but so far, I'm liking. *chuckles* I am hoping I'll remember to catch it again next week, because it's starting to get interesting. (And of course, I'll miss all the goodies. *sigh*)

Ah well. I should probably get back to figuring out what to keep and what to drop on the site.. O.o

Saturday, July 03, 2004


How'd I get this far behind?

... nevermind, don't answer that. I've been half-interfaced all week, and running around doing this and that and the other.

Probably a fairly serious update in the offing - some stuff going away to make room for the new goodies... hm. I wonder..

Anyway. I have.. lessee. 'Lorin sunbathing (which I might or might not link), Sarejas lounging around being a threat to peace of mind and common sense, Phyross (not mine!) lookin' mightily uncomfy - not happy with that one, so I'll probably re-do it at least /once/... there's also a sketch of Indrani I forgot to scan.. I've mislaid that sketch-book, so it'll have to wait until I find it again. (Eeek! time to clear the desk again? *whimper*)
The odd bits are the weaver sketch - and the purr-sona sketch, which I coloured. That needs cleaned up.... when I find it. *sighs* Definitely time to get into the desk cleaning again....